Thursday, May 16, 2013

Learn Marketing from Apple?

1. Quality is the most important aspect of any marketing campaign, since it all begins with the product or service being offered.

Without quality, no company can build the sort of stable momentum it needs to survive and grow. No matter what marketing brilliance Apple had employed, ultimately sub-par products would have done the company in eventually.
Above all, some level of sophistication is key. This is essential in order to consistently beat the competition. For example, there is an unmistakable luxury that exists inside of Apple Stores. The products are interactively displayed so that users can touch and experience them, unlike in so many other stores. The beauty of it is that even the most simple products and services can give off an air of refinement. The staff is plentiful and accessible. Also, most of the stores offer free in-depth classes on how to use their products, adding to their allure. Doing this makes all of their products accessible even to novice users.

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